Browse through a selection of our past, present and future home and building projects and see what sparks your inspiration...

new homes

Your new home should reflect your personal taste and lifestyle. We work closely with all of our clients’ to create stunning architecture and tailored house design, taking into account practical needs and budget while also achieving their all-important house goals and aspirations.


We work collaboratively with our clients to ensure we understand the aspirations, values and day to day running of the companies we help to house.  Whether it’s a multi-unit residential property, corporate offices or a local retail store or cafĂ©, we’ll ensure your next commercial building is the ultimate show piece for your brand.


We feel privileged to have worked on the restoration of some iconic historic homes and buildings. Renovating houses to their original splendour involves a thoughtful and authentic reimagining - preserving the integrity of an original design while rejuvenating spaces to incorporate more comfortable contemporary living.

in progress / concept designs

A sneak peek, in 3D form, of up coming projects and new concepts that we're currently working on.

prefabricated homes

We design award-winning prefabricated, modular homes for our sister company Elevate Architectural Transportables. Renowned for efficient use of space and light with easy living layouts and stunning contemporary designs, each home incorporates the ideas, visions and house goals of each and every client with the end result, a beautifully bespoke transportable home.