Phil Vaughan (Dip Arch Tech)
Senior Architectural Designer
Phil, senior architectural designer, is another old hand in the architectural industry and has been an integral part of the Turner Road team since 2008. Phil is one of the main reasons why Turner Road’s architectural documentation is so widely respected for its quality, detail and accuracy.
What Phil doesn’t know about the NZ building code requirements is not worth knowing. The expertise and knowledge he has of design and how buildings ‘work’ is legendary. His thoughtful, meticulous approach to building design and detail allows him to produce top quality construction documentation, which Turner Road is renowned for throughout the industry.
Phil says “I enjoy the daily challenge of striving to take a concept design drawing, providing further inspiration and then turning it into a buildable construction solution so the builder and sub-contractors can do their job without question"
Phil was born and raised in Cambridge and is now married and kept busy raising his own daughter in his hometown.